im just a stain
Looking forward for todaes lesson.besh gile..where i can realli tink and where i am kinda gd at ah.haha.
Well sulala today was kinda cute, we kinda irritated each other and would dig a hole and stick my head in if she was like staring.hahax
went to skul wit nabz..da lame since we went to "congkak" together. shes the best "gal"fwen i could ask. well let secrets b secrets eh nabz..
well i hope that the time would still itself and i can do watever i want. i can Reminisce on the things i had done. sit on a wooden bench beside a red phone booth and see the sun setting but i know it would nevr will. hugging a cup of mocha with my palm and smoking ciggy that would nvr end.
then i saw you strolling down the beach, with the jaggered hair, black as your pupil, red scarf around you neck and a pearly white dress with the bottom silently hides your little foot. you actually smiled and just walk on.
i tried to stand and give a chase, but like in a bad dream, its just so hard. i see your Silhouette go further and further into the sun till i see no more. and then i realised that thats my only chance and i just watch it away. dno lah if you would come back again in the way i saw you and gave me a smile and i can smile back.
all i nd is 1 chance..n ill be anything you want me to..
what a blessing it is to be loved
youre an angel sent to me.
bt i lost you..
lost again...

Hello , Sucy here . Updating for Mr Dedy . So basically this is Dedy with cutestuff . ((: